Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bacon egg cups and sunflower art

So one fine day my girlfriends and I decided to have a cookout/potluck. Everyone had to make a dish, so I finally managed to try a recipe I'd kept bookmarked on my web browser for a long time. Breakfast bacon cups! A recipe that looked really easy and infinitely yummy.

This is how version #1 looked like:
Followed the recipe mostly, but left out the cheese 'cause of one friend's preference. The cups didn't turn out looking as nice as I'd hoped.

Some tips / reminders to self:
- Don't crack the whole egg straight into the bacon cup. Too much egg white might cause the piece of bread at the bottom to float up and the cup will go out of shape
- Use a smaller muffin tray (or bigger pieces of bacon?) so that the bacon wraps more securely around the egg
- If you prefer a perfect looking sunny side-up (runny yolk), change the heating of the oven to bottom-up. If you prefer a yolk that's more cooked just do the usual top-down/bottom-up heating
- Maple syrup can be replaced with honey, it tastes fine

This is how version #2 looks like:
Adapted the recipe and found a new way of making the cups. It became bread flowers instead of bacon cups. Basically I made cuts on the sides of the bread and folded them. Also, instead of the honey/maple syrup butter I used garlic spread. I think black pepper would go well with it. Two bread flower cups can be a whole breakfast on their own; two whole slices of bread, two slices of bacon and two eggs! And there are endless ways to adapt the recipe. Like using ham and cheese instead of bacon. And it is so easy and fuss-free~

Random flower art I arranged and took a snapshot of. 
The sunflower bouquet J got me for my graduation ceremony fell off the window ledge one day and the sunflowers threw down their petals in protest at the uncivilised treatment. Felt so sad about the half-bald sunflowers and I couldn't let the petals go to waste, so they're currently being pressed in a notebook under a humongous stack of notes.

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